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Hey scholars and families!!! Thank you for your patience and flexibility during this process. I know this is a major transition for everyone and we are working hard to make this as manageable as possible. I know that this can all seem overwhelming, but we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. As a 5th grade team, we by no means expect you to be on the computer for an ENTIRE day - take breaks, stretch your limbs, practice mindfulness, go outside, etc. 


On Monday, March 23 (our first day of virtual learning), take some time to explore the sites and add in your student codes so that you're prepared when lessons are posted on the other sites. Assignments will be posted in Google Classroom with instructions and links as appropriate. 


Feel free to reach out via Class Dojo, email, and ZOOM support times with any questions. I will also be available on ZOOM daily from 11:00-11:50a for reading support. Please continue to check emails and messages REGULARLY regarding district updates and community resources. 


I miss you all dearly! Stay safe! Stay healthy! 


- Ms. White

Reading - May 11.png
Reading - May 4.png
Reading - Week Six.jpg
Reading - April 20.png
Reading - April 13 .png
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Reading - Week Two.png
Reading (March 23-27).png
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